Thursday, September 8, 2016

I have received a number of grateful thank you cards through the years of doing this event, for which I feel very unworthy. It has evolved to a team of amazing people and companies who make this beautiful day what it is. I felt like I should share this one that I received this year, not for me or my praise but for all you courageous women for whom this event was created.

Lorena, Again, thank you, thank you, thank you for allowing me to take part in the amazing event this afternoon. Like I briefly told you, you were an answer to my prayers after a particularly difficult day-week-year-whatever it was I was having!! thank you for allowing me the gift of dressing up, eating yummy food, being around other beautiful survivors and listening to the wonderful speaker who truly touched my heart! It has been six years since beating my cancer, but just last year I began to something was "off" again. And so my fight to be heard began once again, going from doctor to doctor who told me it was probably nothing... finally convincing a neurologist to do a spinal tap and test my spinal fluid. My answer came - I have rheumatoid arthritis and another auto-immune disease known as sjogrens syndrome. So, long story short, just another battle... God must think I am stronger than I really am! That is why today was extra special to me, and especially for the massage gift certificate! I am in pain 24 hours a day and refuse to take prescription meds because of the way they make me feel and I prefer to be present in my kids lives! But I have also had to take a part time job so I can't really enjoy the luxuries I used to be able to afford. So again, thank you! Jennifer Clark Field

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